Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chapter Thirty-Four

Welcome to chapter thirty-four. This chapter begins as the secret romance between our matriach's son Felix and his second cousin Lexi is about to be blown out into the open.

These two young people had thought that they would be able to keep their secret romance from the judging eyes of their family. But now something had happened that would change their lives.

Lexi uttered those fateful words to Felix late one night after she was suspiciously ill. She was pregnant. Felix didn't say anything, just flashed that wicked grin of his, embraced the woman of his dreams and told her it would be ok. Eventually they both retired to their respective beds.

 Even though Felix had told her it would all be ok, Lexi wasn't sure. So she decided to take a chance in telling the woman that had raised her, Felix's mum and matriach of the family Petra. Lexi didn't say who the father was, but she did tell her she was expecting a baby.

After Petra returned to her writing for the day, Lexi told Felix about the quiet comment his mother replied with when she heard about the baby. It seemed that Petra was excited about her grandchild. She knew who the father was.

But the young couple wasn't as upset over the discovery as they thought they would be. Obviously they weren't going to be announcing their relationship just yet, but just knowing that Petra was ok with it, brought new smiles the expectant parents.

Felix decided he needed a job to support Lexi and the child, so joined the military. It would be tough in those first few months until he established himself, but supporting the mother of his child was more important.

Lexi's morning sickness was making her life difficult. Petra's calming ghostly figure was ever present making sure the young mum was alright.

Petra didn't tell her husband about the baby. She knew he'd be supportive, but she thought it would be better if he discovered it for himself, she would not be the one to betray confidences. And so Ziggy remained ignorant of the secret his household was hiding.

And so Petra was always discreete when talking to her son's secret girlfriend. And Lexi appreciated Petra's advice on the pregnancy, after all Petra had raised five children all up, including three of her own.

Her baby bump wasn't visible, yet. But Lexi knew it wouldn't be long before people found out she was pregnant. She still had no idea what she was going to say to them when people asked who the father was.

 Felix was working hard in preparation for climbing the military career. He had always enjoyed working out, and so this was no hard task for him.

Felix, like Lexi, appreciated Petra's knowledge on the subject of children. And after he had finished his afternoon workout, he and Petra would watch the baby channel on tv and discreetly talk about what to expect when the baby was born.

Lexi finally gave in and got herself some maternity clothes to fit her growing bump. Her worries about what to tell the world subsided as excitement over being a mother took over.

Petra loved visiting Esmeralda in her little shack next door. Esmeralda and Sam had recently been trying for a baby, and Petra waited with bated breath for her eldest daughter to announce she was pregnant. But alas, another visit with no baby news.

Ziggy was still unaware that his son was soon to be a father. He was surprised when Lexi said she was pregnant, but didn't ask who the father was when it became obvious that Lexi would not tell.

The days turned into weeks and the baby grew. And like the many other expectant mothers that had lived in this house for the past six generations, Lexi found that the calm atmosphere by the pool was her favourite place to unwind with Felix at the end of the day.

Felix was working hard at the military and even though the pay was minimal, he knew that one day soon his hard work was going to pay off and he'd be earning more.

It was an uneventful pregnancy for Lexi. The morning sickness hadn't lasted to long, and now that she was convinced that her family wouldn't disown her after they discovered the father, Lexi was happy and content to ride out the last few days before she became a mother.

One day a couple of days later Lexi felt labour begin.

Felix was on the way home from work, but they had decided that she was go to the hospital alone so no one knew who the father was until they were ready to tell. Petra was calm, Ziggy was decidedly not, and Lexi nervously rushed out to the waiting taxi.

Her taxi passed Felix on his way home and Lexi wished he was able to follow her so they could both  be there when their child was born.

Felix sat on the couch as soon as his mother told him that Lexi was heading to the hospital. He was so nervous for Lexi and the baby. He wished he could be with her.

Lexi appeared calm as she walked through the hospital car park, but she had never been more scared. She relied on Felix's calm and ghostly presence more than she realised and she was suddenly regretting their decision to keep him away so no one knew he was the father.

It wasn't long before his heart took over his mind and Felix raced out of the house. Petra just smiled at her son and the shocked Ziggy wondered how he could have missed the fact that Lexi's baby was also his son's.

But Ziggy loved his wife very much and so he took her lead and decided that love was more important, and so gave his blessing to the young couple. Petra and Ziggy waited with bated breath that night, together on the couch, for news on their first grandchild.

 In the early hours of the morning, just before the sun rose, Lexi and Felix emerged from the hospital carrying their little son. There was no hiding who little Benji's father was.

 As Lexi and Felix took their little boy into the family home they had no idea what would happen now. How would Ziggy react to this ghostly grandchild? How would the community react? Find out in chapter thirty five! Coming soon!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chapter Thirty-Three:

Here's chapter thirty-three. Our matriach Petra's second child Felix has just graduated school and is happy to be home with his mother, father and his mother's cousin's daughter Lexi. What the rest of the family don't know is that Lexi and Felix are secretly together. Let's see what happens in this chapter of Dark Side of the Moon.
Lexi felt a whole new kind of excitement now that Felix was back in her life. Even though they were raised together, they had never felt like relatives, and ever since their teen years these two had shared a loving and romantic bond. Lexi just hoped that Felix's parents didn't find out.

Felix was young and in love. He wasn't really thinking about the implications of being in love with Lexi. He just knew he wanted to spend his life with her. Luckily the family was none the wiser, so far.

Life was carrying on as normal. Petra was still writing best sellers, Ziggy was still working at the lab. Their oldest child was enjoying her honeymoon and their youngest child was still in boarding school.

Lexi didn't have a job, and while she was still young enough to enjoy being unemployed without being harrassed about it, she enjoyed her time relaxing by the house, and contemplating her complicated romance.

These two lovebirds were so lost in eachother they were getting a little careless.

But luckily for the kids Petra was looking out for them. She was more perceptive than they thought and although she didn't know what exactly was going on, she made sure they got their privacy.

Before long it was Petra and Ziggy's birthday.

Petra looked like her mother, and was really looking forward to her golden years.

Ziggy couldn't help remembering his last birthday, when he went a little off the rails during his mid-life crisis. But he knew this time he wasn't going anywhere, he was going to spend his last years with the woman of his dreams.

It was hard to believe that this wise elderly man started out life as an orange and blue child's toy.

The weeks began to fly by. And still Felix and Lexi continued their secret affair.

Lexi was getting pretty worried. Felix was so in love with her, and she with him, but he wasn't thinking about the implications like Lexi was. The public may accept their relationship as ok by law, but what would their loving family think? Lexi would lay in bed at night with thoughts racing through her head, until she started to feel sick. Hold on...

Racing through the quiet house in the middle of the night was so not part of Lexi's worries. But it would be now.

A horrible thought crossed Lexi's mind and she stifled a cry.

Little did Lexi know that Felix was having a hard time sleeping too, and so when he heard Lexi rush to the bathroom, he went out tentatively to see if she was ok.

Lexi heard Felix knock on the door. She heard the door open. She heard him ask if everything was ok. But all she could do was stand and stare at him.

She whispered two little words to her ghostly man, 'I'm pregnant'.

Find out what happens to this secret couple in chapter thirty four...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chapter Thirty-Two

Welcome to chapter thirty-two. In this chapter Petra and Ziggy's first born Esmeralda, having recently left high school, is enjoying her first romance.
Sam and Esmeralda had been together now for about 2 months. Officially. But after having spent every day for the past 4 years of school together, Sam considered that long enough to contemplate a life together.

One night after Esmeralda's family had gone to bed Sam took her for a walk through the peaceful backyard.

As Sam pulled out the big blue box from his back pocket, Esmeralda's heart happily skipped a beat.

She didn't even hesitate before she told the love of her life that she would marry him.

Both Sam and Esmeralda counted their lucky stars that they had never had to work hard to find love.

Sam asked his Esmeralda if she would have the ceremony, right then. Both of them preferred the quiet life and agreed that getting married in the backyard, just the two of them, would be the best option for them.

That night was just for them. Their love and nothing else.

They came back inside to see Esmeralda's parents up, having heard their talking outside.

Sam and his new wife told her parents that they were moving into his house next door as of the next morning. Ziggy and Petra were a little shocked that their little daughter was all grown up and married, without their knowledge. But they gave their blessing nonetheless and congratulated the young couple.

Petra helped her daughter move in with Sam, then returned to write a new chapter for her latest book, My Ghostly Daughter. Petra was reminded that her daughter was so much like her.

Lexi and Mia soon returned home, about a week after Esmeralda moved in with Sam. Happy to be finished with high school, the twins had different ideas with what they wanted for their lives.

Mia had aspirations to join the bright world of politics.

Lexi was anxious to stay at home. She had no plans to leave until she had sorted out some things. No one knew, but Lexi had a secret that could tear the family apart.

Mia was home for only a day before she was hugging her Uncle Ziggy goodbye as she headed off for in intern position at Bridgeport City Hall.

It was sad to watch Mia go, but her family knew that she was destined for great things.

Lexi was going to miss her sister. They were pretty close, but even Mia didn't know that Lexi was hiding something.

Lexi settled in to life back at the family home. Petra was enjoying the company.

While Petra was off writing every afternoon, Lexi would usually be on the phone. These secret phone calls were the highlight of her day and she hoped that one day soon she would be able to come clean to her family.

One day about three weeks after Lexi and Mia graduated and came home, an unexpected visitor was standing nervously outside the front door. Petra's cousin Niki had finally decided to meet one of her grown daughters, for pretty much the first time.

Petra knew her cousin was coming to visit, and so had Lexi answer the door. Lexi didn't know who this elderly woman was, all she knew was that she was mighty familiar.

It was only when Niki introduced herself did Lexi stop for a moment. This woman was her estranged mother. Lexi felt like she had been smacked in the face. She stormed off inside, and Niki followed.

An argument ensued. Lexi was genuinely a calm, friendly person. But when she realised that this woman was her mother that had left her and her twin sister the day they were born, she was beyond angry.

Niki tried to explain. And it hurt her to see her daughter so mad.

Eventually Lexi calmed down enough to listen to her mother. And while she may never forgive Niki for what she had done, she could understand her somewhat warped reasoning.

A wary truce was called that day. Lexi realised that life was short, and she may as well get to know her long lost mother while she had time.

Ziggy talked with Lexi after Niki left that day. Lexi was so grateful for her calm, stable uncle that afternoon, he helped her make sense of her mother's visit.

That night another family member was heading home again. Petra and Ziggy's only son was on the way home after graduating.

He was definitely his mother's son.

After a quick hug for his mum, a firm handshake and clap on the back for his dad, Felix headed in to say hi to Lexi. But she was fast asleep, and so with a small smile on his ghostly features he retired to his own room.

Felix had so many things running around his head that he found it hard to sleep. Those last few weeks at school had taken so long. He felt like he'd never get home again, and now that he was here, he wasn't sure how to move forward.

Lexi knew that Felix was home. She could feel it like an electric pulse all over her skin as she waited to see him emerge from his bedroom the next morning.

Felix smiled warmly at Lexi when he rose that morning, and she smiled back. They watched a little tv together before Felix had breakfast with his mother. Despite the casual nature of their greeting, it was the highlight of both of their days.

 Petra was glad to see her son home again. He was quiet, like her, and she hoped that she could find out what it was that he kept so close to his chest.

Petra was inside engrossed in her latest best-seller so Felix decided to have a chat with Lexi. She was outside by the pond.

Felix walked up to Lexi and picked up her hand in his. Until she felt his cool ghostly hand in hers, Lexi hadn't realised just how much she had missed it. Her heart felt like it was going to explode. Oh how she wished she could share this secret.

For the last two years Felix and Lexi had carried on this secret relationship in the quiet stairwells and corridors of their school after hours. Now that they were both adults it was time to figure out their next step. They both knew that while they were technically related, the link was distant. But they weren't sure how their family would react.

Thankyou for reading chapter thirty two. Below is a quick peek at chapter thirty-three.

After having spent the last few weeks apart, the young secret couple can't keep their hands off eachother. But will their recklessness lead to discovery?

It's time for Ziggy and Petra to enter the golden years. What will the last years of their lives hold for these two?

And what news will Lexi give Felix that could tear apart this happy family?