Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chapter Thirty-Three:

Here's chapter thirty-three. Our matriach Petra's second child Felix has just graduated school and is happy to be home with his mother, father and his mother's cousin's daughter Lexi. What the rest of the family don't know is that Lexi and Felix are secretly together. Let's see what happens in this chapter of Dark Side of the Moon.
Lexi felt a whole new kind of excitement now that Felix was back in her life. Even though they were raised together, they had never felt like relatives, and ever since their teen years these two had shared a loving and romantic bond. Lexi just hoped that Felix's parents didn't find out.

Felix was young and in love. He wasn't really thinking about the implications of being in love with Lexi. He just knew he wanted to spend his life with her. Luckily the family was none the wiser, so far.

Life was carrying on as normal. Petra was still writing best sellers, Ziggy was still working at the lab. Their oldest child was enjoying her honeymoon and their youngest child was still in boarding school.

Lexi didn't have a job, and while she was still young enough to enjoy being unemployed without being harrassed about it, she enjoyed her time relaxing by the house, and contemplating her complicated romance.

These two lovebirds were so lost in eachother they were getting a little careless.

But luckily for the kids Petra was looking out for them. She was more perceptive than they thought and although she didn't know what exactly was going on, she made sure they got their privacy.

Before long it was Petra and Ziggy's birthday.

Petra looked like her mother, and was really looking forward to her golden years.

Ziggy couldn't help remembering his last birthday, when he went a little off the rails during his mid-life crisis. But he knew this time he wasn't going anywhere, he was going to spend his last years with the woman of his dreams.

It was hard to believe that this wise elderly man started out life as an orange and blue child's toy.

The weeks began to fly by. And still Felix and Lexi continued their secret affair.

Lexi was getting pretty worried. Felix was so in love with her, and she with him, but he wasn't thinking about the implications like Lexi was. The public may accept their relationship as ok by law, but what would their loving family think? Lexi would lay in bed at night with thoughts racing through her head, until she started to feel sick. Hold on...

Racing through the quiet house in the middle of the night was so not part of Lexi's worries. But it would be now.

A horrible thought crossed Lexi's mind and she stifled a cry.

Little did Lexi know that Felix was having a hard time sleeping too, and so when he heard Lexi rush to the bathroom, he went out tentatively to see if she was ok.

Lexi heard Felix knock on the door. She heard the door open. She heard him ask if everything was ok. But all she could do was stand and stare at him.

She whispered two little words to her ghostly man, 'I'm pregnant'.

Find out what happens to this secret couple in chapter thirty four...

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