Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Chapter Thirty-Eight:

Chapter Thirty-Eight is here. Anastasia is alone in her big family house after her parents passed away and the love of her life, werewolf leader Lucas Dare, left her to keep the dangers of supernaturals away. But Ana has just discovered she's pregnant with Lucas's baby, so perhaps she won't be alone for long.
As soon as she found out about the baby, Ana felt a whirlwind of emotions rush through her. First heartbreak that Lucas was not there to share this moment with her, then terror as she realised that she would be all alone raising this baby, then a slow sense of calm and peace as she realised she was going to become a mother.

Ana was ever the hard worker and so even this pregnancy didn't slow down her studies into the art of alchemy.

The baby was growing little by little every day, and Ana worked hard at chores around the house. As she did she told the little life inside her all about their extraordinary father, so that even though he wasn't there, her child may know something of the man that had fathered them.

Ana loved to spend time in her nursery. She certainly didn't think she'd be needing it quite this soon, but she was glad she had such a peaceful place to rest as the baby grew and grew.

Ana was well known around the town, simply as the newest matriach to the longest living family in Twinbrook. But Ana didn't worry about her reputation as she would leave the house, growing more and more pregnany every day. She was suddenly glad the town had no idea that she had been with a werewolf for the past few months. No one asked questions, knowing that this family was unconventional, and Ana was thankful.

Ana's favourite place was still the little alchemy store by the beach. It was getting harder and harder to get there as she had to walk, but Ana vowed to contiue her daily trips to sell her potions until she was physically unable to.

Ana was tiring easily, and so in the afternoons she would read out loud to her little baby bump. From werewolf tales to simple alchemy recipes to her own intricate family history; Ana talked to her little one as much as she could.

It had been a somewhat relaxing pregnancy and Ana was quite looking forward to meeting her baby. But she did want Lucas beside her and a day didn't go by that Ana didn't wish he hadn't been so noble and left her to protect her from the beings in his world.

 Ana was always an early riser, and one morning she was just getting up with the sun when she felt the pains of labour begin.

Ana opted against going to the hospital, if the baby was born like their father she didn't want the whole world knowing about it. And so she braved the pain in her own home, never feeling more alone than she did in those long hours of labour.

But before the sun set Ana was holding her daughter in her arms, Evelyn Diehl.

And her son, the welcome surprise, Noah Diehl.

Ana had tears in her eyes as she put little Evie in her crib.

And next to Evie she laid her little son in his new crib. She just wished their father could see these beautiful little babies that they had made.

It had been a long, difficult birth and Ana had wanted nothing more than to feel Lucas's arms around her. But her beloved werewolf was gone and so when Noah woke and would not be soothed, she rocked him to sleep telling him about the wonderful, noble man that was his father.

Ana wondered if Lucas knew about the babies. She hoped that he didn't. If he did know, and hadn't returned, then perhaps he wasn't as noble as she had thought.

Pretty soon Ana's life was busier than ever and all thoughts of where Lucas was and what he knew were driven out of her mind. Instead she slept little and cared for her two beautiful babies.

What Ana didn't know was that Lucas was closer than she thought. He kept his eye on her house during the months after he left her. He would always remember the day he first saw that growing bump under her dress and the near overwhelming urge to run to her. But he stayed back. His situation hadn't changed and he knew it was safer for Ana if he stayed away. Instead he allowed himself these brief glimpses of his family, knowing he would never be with them.

The young mum was busy with her little newborns, and Ana made sure they were her priority. But when she did get a spare few minutes she made sure she tended to her garden; even if she had no time to collect ingredients for her alchemy, the garden was always tidied.

Ana didn't really sleep in her own bed for those long months. Most of the time she'd fall asleep in the rocking chair in the nursery.

All time had blurred for Ana and soon it was time for the twins' birthday. That day Ana did wish Lucas were there.

Evie was so much like her mother. Her ancestors included vampires, a blue-skinned alien, a ghost and a blue and orange toy; and she was still a beautiful little girl.

Noah had inherited his father's silvery-blue hair and shockingly glowing eyes. Ana's heart skipped a beat when she looked into those etheral eyes and wondered if he had inherited more than his appearance from his father.

The house had seemed so empty those first few months after her parents passed away, but Ana felt more at home now that her own small family was growing up in the house.

Sleep was still a rare occurance for Ana. Between her fear of sleeping during the full moon and raising two toddlers, Ana was constantly exhausted.

The second the twins fell asleep Ana would race off and do the same.

But it wouldn't be long before one, or both were up again. These two loved life and hated missing a moment of fun.

The twins were too young to be worried about the bright blue eyes that would watch them long into the night. Lucas was travelling around a lot these days, he thought it safer for his family if he did. He treasured the moments when he could watch his kids through the window that Ana, thankfully, left without a curtain. Wondering if she had done it deliberately kept Lucas's mind busy for many moons.

It had crept up on Ana, but it was soon her birthday.

It passed without celebration and despite the extra lines added to Ana's face, she was as young at heart as ever.

Noah and Evie continued to grow and learn every day. They were, like all the twins born to this long standing family, the best of friends.

It felt like only a few days, but before long Ana was holding her twins over their cakes for their birthday.

Ana was definitly her mother's daughter.

Noah did resemble his twin sister in some ways, but there was something otherworldly about his appearance that Ana just knew came from his father. And with the full moon set to rise just two days after the twin's birthday, Ana was anxious to see the effect it had on her son.

Noah was just watching television with his sister when he felt some ancient power overtake him.

Both Evie and Noah had grown up hearing stories of their werewolf father and so this wasn't neccesarily out of the blue.

Noah felt like he'd gone feral and his head was spinning. The smells around him made him feel sick; the enclosed space of his bedroom made him want to run and never come back; his nails were long and deadly and his fur made him itch. It was a lot to put this young boy through.

Ana was outside in her garden when her young son tentatively approached her, looking a little worse for the wear for his recent transformation.

Ana hugged her terrified son and promised him that she would always be there for him, no matter what. She also promised herself, silently, that she would not rest until she understood as much about the curse of the lycan that she possibly could.

Evie was an understanding and loving sister, and she didn't judge her brother for his unusual appearance under the eery glow of the full moon. She too made him a silent promise, that she would always be there as his protector and shoulder to lean on, no matter how terrifying he looked.

Thanks for reading Chapter Thirty-Eight. Stay tuned for chapter thirty-nine; on the way shortly! For now, here's a quick look...

Noah and Evie were the most important things in Ana's life. But would she be able to keep the curse of their father from impacting their young lives?

It had been years since Lucas walked out on the woman he loved. He had watched Ana give birth to, and raise, two beautiful children that he could call his own. But was it time to call it a day, and come home?

And how would Ana react to seeing the man who had left her to raise her babies alone, after all these years? Find out in Chapter Thirty-Nine of Dark Side of the Moon!

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