Saturday, December 15, 2012

Chapter Thirty-Seven:

Here's chapter thirty-seven of Dark Side of the Moon. Our newest matriach, Anastasia, lives with her elderly father in the family estate. Ana has recently suffered the loss of her ghostly mother Petra and had fallen in love with mysterious werewolf Lucas Dare. And here we go...
 Lucas and Ana had been lost in a happy bubble together for the past few weeks. By day they were inseperable, but by night Lucas would rejoin his pack and lead them as best he could, wishing he were by Ana's side. It broke his heart a little every time he had to leave her.
Lucas was yet to return from his nightly escapade into the town when Ana was brought to the backyard after hearing her father's call. Ziggy had gone for a peaceful early morning stroll to the backyard pond, when old age finally over took him.

Ana knew this day was coming but her heart broke to see her father leaving her. She knew he would be happy to be seeing his beloved wife again soon, but she couldn't help but feel utterly devastated.

Ana was completely alone now in her big family mansion, and she had to figure out a way to carry on her family's name, without her wise and calm father near her.

Lucas appeared just moments after the Grim Reaper left Ana's house and one look at her devastated face, he knew that her father was gone.

Lucas pulled her into his arms and held her as she cried. He listened to her sobbing into his shoulder for hours. He ran his fingers through her hair, and held her as she told him about the strong man her father had been. And while he wanted to more than anything else in the world, Lucas couldn't promise her that he would be by her side forever.

The next few days were tough on Ana. But Lucas was there. And somehow she felt a little better.

Soon Ana was able to think of her father without crying and she looked forward; to the next stage in her life. But little did Ana know that Lucas was about to shake her life again.

One morning a week after Ziggy passed away, Lucas took Ana down to the backyard, where the two had first told eachother they were in love. Ana looked into Lucas's eyes and when she saw tears her heart broke.

 Lucas held Ana's hand and told her that the past month and a half had been magical, and he loved her more than anything. But he was a werewolf and he didn't belong in her reality. It was time that he stopped trying to forget who he was and returned to where he belonged; leading his pack away from dangerous activities and keeping the town safe from rogue supernaturals. Ana felt the warmth from her life leave as Lucas let go of her hand and went racing off into the woods behind her house.

Ana felt like her world had collapsed. But she knew Lucas left her for noble reasons and just hoped one day he'd return to her. In the meantime she had a household to run, and a renovation was in order. The house had appeared this way for decades upon decades and after a few weeks it became a whole new house.

It wasn't long before Ana was standing infront of a whole new house. The second storey had been knocked down and the inside completely redone. It was a whole new beginning for this matriach.

The old garage became a part of the house and the driveway was turned in to a dirt path up the house.

The walls inside the house were knocked down for the most part and the living, study, dining and kitchen shared the one open space.

The house had a nice old-world-y type of vibe that Ana loved.

Ana's bedroom was just off the main living area and was simple in decoration.

A special bookcase was added at the back of the living area where Ana's alchemy basement staircase was safe from prying eyes.

The bathroom was moved to the other side of the house.

Where the garage used to be, now became a nursery. Ana knew she wouldn't be needing it until Lucas came to his senses, and that could be years away, but she liked the idea that there was space for her family one day.

With Lucas gone and her parents passed, Ana had never felt more alone than she did as she settled in to that big empty house.

The days began to creep by and Ana tried her best to forget her bright eyed werewolf.

It had been a while, Ana had been so caught up in her romance with Lucas, but it felt right to return to her alchemist ways. She felt a sense of contentment come over her as she returned to collecting her various ingredients for her potions and elixirs.

Her garden had got a bit overgrown lately and it felt nice to get it organised again.

Ana was working very hard at her alchemy and she was worried she was working a little too hard. It seemed she had come down with a bug.

But after a few days passed and the mysterious illness didn't get better, Ana realised a horrible truth.

Ana was carrying Lucas's baby.

Thanks for reading chapter thirty-seven. What will happen to Ana in chapter thirty-eight? Will Lucas ever come back?

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